Beauty and the Beast meets A Light Between Oceans in a historic American small town, where a wealthy, reclusive bachelor and an unlikely ally team up to uncover a family secret and accidentally find a place where they can connect.
Curious? Then read on to find out the synopsis and an excerpt from Rachel Fordham’s Beyond the ivy wallswhich will be released on August 13, 2024.
Early 1900s. When an accident leaves Sadie West’s family in dire financial straits, she nervously leaves her beloved country to work at the Hoag duster factory. But having to send all her money home leaves her without a place to stay and forced to live in an abandoned building – a decision that puts her at odds with the town’s mysterious bachelor.
Otis Taylor has just returned from exile and is determined to keep his arrival a secret. He makes the spontaneous decision to hire the woman he finds hiding on his family estate, with strict instructions not to tell anyone about his return. The dark halls of his childhood flood him with memories he has long tried to forget. The only bright spot is the woman he hired. Can the optimistic Sadie teach the injured Otis to trust again? To love? Can the two of them unravel the family secrets that have long cast a shadow over the mansion and its residents?
With the same warmth as Rachel Fordham’s fan-favorite previous historical novels, Beyond Ivy Walls takes readers on an emotional journey full of character development, historical nuance, and a deeply fulfilling happy ending.