HIGH | LOW | Chance of rain |
64°F |
51°F |
0% |
Today’s forecast: Before 8 a.m. some fog. Otherwise mainly cloudy, then gradually sunny, maximum temperature around 18 °C. Calm, northwest wind at 8 to 11 km/h in the afternoon.
Chance of rain: 0%
Morning | 64°F | Partly sunny |
Tuesday | 67°F | Mostly sunny |
Wednesday | 68°F | Sunny |
Thursday | 68°F | Mostly sunny |
Friday | 67°F | Mostly sunny |
Saturday | 66°F | Partly sunny |
RAISE | 6:37 am |
SENTENCE | 19:59 |
18:18 o’clock- 19:58 |
SENTENCE | 13:57 |
RAISE | 11:18 p.m. |
PHASE | Waning gibbous moon |
Precipitation yesterday: | 0.13 inches |
The year so far: | 48.32″ |
Last year to today: | 40.85″ |
Normal year to date: | 39.67″ |
tide | 5.2 feet @ 5:03 am 2.3 feet @ 10:17 am 7.3 feet @ 4:48 p.m. 0.3 feet @ 11:51 p.m. |
Today’s Lost Coast Outpost is brought to you by: Peaches & Pearls, Blue Lake Casino Hotel, Six Rivers Solar, Janssen Malloy LLP, Humboldt Waste Management Authority, Earthen Acupuncture & Botanicals, Coldwell Banker Cutten Realty, City of Eureka Development Services, Nilsen Company, Los Bagels, Humboldt County Fair, Windy Point Fence Company, Living Styles, Pierson Building Center, Cap’s Food Shack, Regional Strategies Group, Gosselin Tire, Mapleservice, Fin N Feather, Dandar’s Board Games, Murphy’s Markets, Life Plan Humboldt, Humboldt County Office of Education, Del Norte Solid Waste Management, Terp Mansion , Satori Wellness, Royal Gold, Inc., Humboldt Pet Supply, The Zwerdling Law Firm, Coast Central Credit Union, Tolowa Dee-Ni’ Nation, Myrtle Ave Veterinary Hospital, Del Norte County Department of Health and Human Services, Redwood Coast Music Festival , Eureka Florist, Compass Community Credit Union, Post Haste Mail Center, Mid City Motor World, Kebab Cafe, Elk Valley Casino, Ayres Family Cremation, Mickey’s Fine Used Cars, Singing Tree Gardens Nursery