Iowa launches real-time online child care search / Public News Service

Iowa has launched an interactive website to help parents find childcare options for their children in real time.

Iowa Child Care Connect, nicknamed “C3” in the state, uses crowdsourcing technology to help people find child care where and when they need it, using up-to-the-minute data.

Sheila Hansen, senior policy adviser at the nonprofit Common Good Iowa, said C3 is a huge improvement over what the state had before.

“It was a little cumbersome and not really quick,” Hansen said. “Hopefully this will be a huge improvement and families can just go there and find jobs in their area right away.”

The website also provides information on the subsidies accepted by providers, as well as current job openings and quality ratings. Hansen argued that the state should focus on improving pay and working conditions for child care workers.

She acknowledged that while the technology is an advance, Common Good Iowa and other advocates said the state doesn’t need more brick-and-mortar daycare centers. It needs more staff, and that’s the real challenge.

“That’s because they simply can’t find people who want to work in childcare because the pay is so low or there are no benefits,” Hansen explains.

The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services requires child care providers to meet various training requirements and update their certification every two years.

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By Bronte

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