(WTVO) — United Airlines flight attendants have voted 99.9% to strike, the first such vote in nearly two decades.
The last approval came during bankruptcy negotiations in 2005. The announcement came as hundreds of flight attendants demonstrated across the country, including at Chicago O’Hare International Airport.
The flight attendants are demanding several improvements, including better pay, flexibility and improvements to working rules.
“We are here today because we have been negotiating for three years and have made minimal progress with a company that makes billions on the backs of its frontline workers,” said Ken Diaz, president of the United Master Executive Council. “United Airlines flight attendants have fought for an industry-leading contract and we will accept nothing less.”
According to the Associated Press, flight attendants still cannot walk out of work until the National Mediation Board determines that no agreement has been reached on both sides and grants authorization to strike.
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